joi, 16 decembrie 2010

USE C.P.I. (California Psychological Inventory) IN THE FIELD OF HUMAN RESOURCES

     The ICC's human resources can be used to meet at least three specific needs, such as personnel selection, guidance and counseling in career development assessment and balancing of work teams. In all three cases are necessarily requires an analysis and an appropriate knowledge of the criteria listed. California Psychological Inventory (CPI), was designed and tested by Harrison G. Gough. It is one of the most widespread and popular tools for investigation of personality, translated into numerous languages and has been subject to extensive intercultural research (Anastasia, 1976, Megargee, 1972). ICC is well known that an objective assessment of personality questionnaire, with broad intercultural penetration (Anastasia, 1976, Gough, 1990; Megargee, 1972, Murphy & Davidshofer, 1991, Taft, 1988). Over time the ICC has been constantly refined and improved by the author, so that today there are four commercial versions, identified by the number of items: ICC-480, published in 1957, CPI-462, published in 1987, CPI-434, published CPI-260 in 1996 and published in 2002. In this refining process worked both scales and the questionnaire items. Scales were introduced in November, to give up certain scale and have been consistently experienced additional scales. Also, existing scales have been improved, which was reflected In a validity of more and more high and high fidelity of these scales. Also, items were introduced in November, has dropped some items and also some items were reworded in order to keep pace with the CPI-cultural developments and social and legal pressures made on the request of psychodiagnosis personality. Along with additional scale and work on refining the growing inventory, studies began to appear on it. The publication manual of the form CPI-480, Gough (1957) noted a number of studies that used the 45's, or CPI his scales, most made by him or his associates. Manual edition of 480 items was revised and reissued in 1960, 1964 and 1969 and each republication of all the listed several such studies, so in 1969 Gough has identified more than 600 studies or the ICC, and Megargee (1972 ) mentions the existence of over 800 studies. Obviously the underlying momentum of the CPI to inflation this number even more. At present there are probably around 5000-6000 in such studies, and reference list that contains only the most important of them, compiled by author, contains 2,000 such studies strung on 72 pages. ICC has been repeatedly named as the best personality inventory. Since the creation of Kelly (1965), the Mental Measurements Yearbook called "probably the best tool of its kind." Kleinmutz (1967, p. 239) held at the time that the ICC is "on track to become one of the best if not the best, tool for measuring personality, and Anastasia (1968, p. 448) is as "one of the best personality inventories that exist ... since its development is a highly technical and printrun validation was done extensive research and numerous instrument is still subject to continuous improvement. " Hough (1988), performing a study that included 37 metaanalitic diagnosis of personality tests, he found that the best inventory of existing staff. Until 1990 there were translations and adaptations of the ICC's in 28 languages (they have found a place and four Chinese dialects). Psychodiagnosis fundamental idea of the personality that would be based on the instrument known today as the California Psychological Inventory (CPI) was completed by Harrison Gough since the late 1940s. Until 1950 only two had been developed from existing scales of the CPI, namely the status scale capacity, Cs (Gough, 1948, 1949) and the scale of tolerance, To (Gough, 1949). Also still in work three scales: the scale of dominance, Do, published later Gough, McClosky & Meehl (1951), the scale of responsibility, Re, subsequently published all of Gough, McClosky & Meehl (1952) and scale socialization, So, subsequently published Gough & Peterson (1952). ICC's original form, assembled in 1951, contained 548 items. The main weakness of the ICC and probably the only one that could be shown by someone in good faith, is that it is a long questionnaire, most other established personality inventories (16PF, Eysenck, MBTI etc.) Are significantly shorter, requiring less than 30 minutes to complete. ICC's, even after full and perfect knowledge of all scales meanings in the psychological interpretation is an act of the utmost delicacy, and even banned a large number of psychologists. It is necessary in interpreting experience and flair, in addition to a long and serious training in psychodiagnostic. In the field of personnel selection is well-known value of personality variables as predictors for differential effectiveness on certain items and also be referred as a warning to be ethical in this context and expressed concern that the requirement not to discriminate subjects using the structure as a criterion personality, similar to the requirement not to discriminate subjects using age and gender as a criterion. This is one of the main reasons for the psychologist evaluator will make recommendations on selection rather than selection decisions. In fact, the selection of personnel is an approach that is identified who can ensure maximum efficiency in a post or in a specific activity to determine the efficiency and contribute multiple variables, many of which are not related to personality, such as knowledge, experience , skills, motivation, etc.. Recall that the same professional results can be obtained in different ways by people with different personality structures. It is important to note the fact that the ICC's selection may be useful for staff who hold managerial or executive positions that require a relatively high level of responsibility and complexity. For executive positions simple, low-activity characterized by complexity, personality variables are not necessarily useful predictors. It is interesting to note that theory the ICC could be used with good results as an aid in job analysis, which focuses on the part of the job in terms of the personality and interpersonal skills. In selecting employees, either for a new job or a new position in the organization, ICC profile can capture the unique composition of the features of a particular occupation. Of course, some occupations or positions in the organization do not come unique features. It is possible that the scores of a sample of employees from that position to the general population have the same mean, without being thus possible to notice the special facets that would recommend a person to fill that position, on the other hand it is possible that the sample average scores subjects evaluated to be significantly different from average, suggesting a critical dimension, but the scores are spread too large to define consistent score that is the size required to promise that the work performance of employees. Many occupations are characterized by unique features scores, scores that differ substantially from the normal population, in this case, one can compare scores with scores obtained by an individual occupation or position as the analytical approach developed in the work to determine matching between the individual and the workplace. ICC, not a clinical questionnaire will not be used to diagnose the purposes of framing the subject type In a nosological category DSM or ICD, but it may provide information about the overall structure of his personality. Counselor or psychologist can have access to a proper understanding of the case, that is able to specify the internal determinants underlying the emergence of dysfunctional manifestations. Most case law calling in private practice in counseling, psychotherapy or personal optimization can not be subscribed to psychiatric nosological categories, the majority being related to allegations of emotional difficulties, difficulty with social relationships, occupational adjustment difficulties, exacerbated reactivity to stress. Knowledge of the subject's personality structure can allow us first to understand the behavior of an individual, internal determinants, factors predisposing causative type, vulnerabilities and resources to change the subject. In the second place, a proper understanding of the case can guide intervention counselor or therapist, if necessary it can be guided by the main weaknesses and resources of the client. Introvert orientation of the subject may increase its vulnerability to claims for maintenance or precipitating factors pertaining to its social environment and reduce the importance or usefulness of such factors as social support. In such a case, the psychologist may focus more on recovery of domestic resources, subject or intrinsic relationship of his skills. Used in career guidance, regardless of the existence of an occupational profile or a profile of the station, the ICC, is of course important and the case should be treated as a consulting situation, based on compatibility analysis of the situation and person schemes rather than applying pre-calculated, however they may be statistically robust. In most teams optimize HR practitioners have a theoretical foundation in psychometrics have adopted and used extensively as a tool in the diagnosis of personality vocabulary learning in their work groups and teams. By presenting a common vocabulary team members, positioned as a facilitator or a consultant developer is able to identify and discuss strengths and weaknesses of the team, in a constructive manner, without generating reactance and resistance and with the structured and standardized inputs based on common semantics that, by all team members. Personality models that consultants and trainers based their vocabulary varies greatly. Almost all major personality questionnaires have extensive applications in terms of teams, most cases being validated those of the CPI, MBTI, NEO-PI-R, etc.. It is therefore not surprising that along with this wealth of practical examples, there is much confusion alike. The ICC is certainly validated the explanatory model of the past 20 years as a result of being increasingly appreciated and embraced by consultants and trainers, not as another metaphor or another model, but rather as a foundation to which all other models can be simplified and typologies used traditionally. ICC is due to the extent that different personality structures can mediate assumption of differentiated roles, in other words the extent to which personality variables may be predictors for the effectiveness of different types of role. In the spotlight this time passes and a good knowledge of predictors, namely the structure of roles In a balanced and effective team. Results of ICC may be the basis for some decisions on building teams, to balance teams or to implement training programs and training.

Un comentariu:

  1. Very interesting article. Do you happen to know if the Spanish version (and others) of the CPI retain the same questions (English version) as does the MMPI-2? I´m looking for a scoring software for the CPI. Best regards, Juan
