vineri, 17 decembrie 2010


     The fact that sleep aproximtiv third of life can seem like a waste of while, but sleep is also a condition of survival, he is also a period intense activity, full of bizarre and dramatic events.


     Sleep is a paramount necessity. He turns just as irreplaceable as air, water and the food. Lack of sleep kills even faster than lack food. If a dog dies after 14 days of continuous waking state, the experiences have
demonstrated that after 100 to 200 hours of sleep deprivation, the man shows major disturbances throughout the entire body. Thus, changes are noticeable in blood pressure, breathing, attention, heart rate. Regarding sleep duration, it differs from one age to another. If the newborn is twenty hours to get to seven adult-eight hours. Also, the pace of change and sleep. It passes the baby to the natural rhythm of polyphasic sleep the night of the big ones. There are some exceptions. Pliny the Younger and Victor Hugo slept only two or three hours a night. This proves ultimately that not all people have equal sleep. Some of us sleep Amri psychopathic or organic components, while others have simple insomnia, the night "good " nights and "bad. " Sleep disorders can occur in the form of hipersomnii, ie an irresistible tendency to sleep. If narcolepsy is characterized by sudden crises dreamless sleep and waking suddenly when the patient completely lost track of time. Cataplexy proves worse, another form of hypersomnia, which is characterized by hallucinations hipnogene common. Do not forget sleep walking, night paradoxical this event, which you do not yet formed a conception of universally admitted. Among others questioning the possibility of genetic basis of somnambulism. Let's see now what is sleep.
     In contrast to wakefulness and lucidity of mind characterized by activism and identifiable with consciousness, sleep can be defined as a reversible state of the body associated with decreased adaptive responses to the disappearance of the upper and relationships with sensory-motor reactions and the environment. It is the state in which man remains completely defenseless.
     "The fact that everyone accepts the risk of higher organized for some significant assumption suggests that the sleep of his life must have a vital function, "wrote many years ago Hess. He appreciated, in 1965, that sleep is a physiological function fully, a basic condition of life, a phenomenon fundamentally positive, as refresh the body and prevents burnout. Freud, in his time, believes that sleep fulfills two major functions in human life: a biological - of providing relaxation and other psychological body - embodied in the fighting outside world interest.
     The fact that sleep fulfills such major features of human existence is demonstrated, among other things, periods of sleep deprivation, acting as a strain, depleting the body's functional reserves. They also are associated with changes in psychological picture of human behavior, with the advent of confusion, disorientation, irritability. Although sleep fulfill vital functions for the human body, although it is necessary and beneficial for the body should not lose sight of the fact that the extension could become an obstacle human existence.

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