miercuri, 15 decembrie 2010

How are you when you love?

     Definitions over definitions. Everyone defines love. Some people believe in true love, others not. There are many classifications of love depending on the subject concerned.
     The most common categories are: self-love, which is often confused with selfishness, romantic love, family love, manifested between family members, platonic love, affection expressed by two men as pure disinterest physical (material or gestures ).
     There are many opinions about how love lasts. Three years, two weeks, one day ... I think it takes ... and takes both. Appears to happen when you have a balance, perfection, when someone or something comes to identify with someone or something else above all else. Love can last a lifetime or just a few days ... depends on its intensity.
     When you love too much and prove it, get too little ... and when it does not look like love and hurt many times you loved and wanted more than you deserve!
     Perhaps we need not look entirely too fast and soul, feelings, ability to sacrifice ... are vulnerabilities and not everyone is able to appreciate and in turn, may not appreciate. They say that in most cases, the heart (us) is stolen by those who have nothing to do with it! But I still wonder, why? It seems fair to be honest. If you love to show love and did not seem as cold and indifferent, just to show each other that we must fight for our love.
     Love is not a fight! Love is an emotion!
     When you love too much, prove it and not expecting to get anything in return. If you love and prove that it means you'll always love you and whether you are liable or not.
     Those who are lovers often think that they deserve love and then claim, without being grateful for someone there to love and that this is a great gift for them. They are those who just want to receive.
     In the name of love we are willing to do more. More forgiving. We suffer a lot. We cry a lot. Laugh a lot. Closing the roads and open others. We avenge. We forget. Wrong. Sorry. And while we take over again.
     Often make mistakes when we love. Love tiles. Love must really be in both parties and those involved to respect themselves and to love themselves first.
     When you love, you want two things: first, even love. Being allowed to do. The other is to be loved. Is your need to need you. Be generous and then all you have to dedicate your life from giving more.
     In your life, love should be a reality, not just poetry, not just a dream. It has materialized. It is never too late to live for the first time, love. Remember when you love to be exactly like you! Very few people know how to love. But we all know they need love, we all know that life is meaningless without love.

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